Duke Journal for Health Equity

What we believe in

The Duke Journal for Health Equity is a student-run publication dedicated to increasing the awareness, education, and discussion of health disparities and health policy. Social and institutional inequities work in tandem to create health disparities. DJHE empowers students to advocate for change, engage in discussion, and express their views on important current events, issues, and policies surrounding the systemic differences in health distribution.

Our journal is committed to shedding light on marginalized voices through art, writing, and service. It is also a platform to highlight progress being made towards health equity, and to empower our readers and team to become a part of that progress.

How it works

We use a three-pronged approach towards education, service, and impact. Each year, the journal has a themed issue; our entire team works together to create and publish articles pertaining to the theme. Turning our knowledge into action, we partner with local nonprofits and organizations to coordinate service projects connected to our issue’s theme. To further enact systemic change and impact, we send a copy of our journal’s issue with accompanying letters to local politicians and policymakers.

Equity is the only acceptable goal.”

- Paul Farmer